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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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Customize columns display in run-time
Link Posted: 05-Dec-2005 05:03

Does FlyGrid has the ability to let the user (in-run time) choose whice columns are hidden and which are not?
and if It can not be done, Can you add such a feature?
I also need the ability to define for each row if it can be hidden (by the user) in run time.


Link Posted: 05-Dec-2005 19:57
1.Show/Hide columns:
Use Column.Visible property to hide/show column.
You can see the Grid Stylizing sample, right click on column header for attached to column context menu and choose some command, you can see Hide column, Show all columns commands in this menu

2.Show/hide nodes:
Use NodeBase.Hidden property to show/hide node.
See the TreeView Reaplcement sample to know how to hide nodes at runtime, select node to hide and click Hide selected button. To show hidden nodes click Show hidden nodes button.