I'm working on clientside node creation, here's my code:
var oXml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
oXml.async = false;
var xmlNodeElement = oXml.createElement("NODE");
xmlNodeElement.setAttribute("Text","New Collection");
xmlNodeElement.setAttribute("ToolTip","New Collection");
var oParentNode = FTV.SelectedNode.ParentNode;
The last call - oParentNode.AddNode(xmlNodeElement) triggers a call to the following node.htc function:
function o119(o126){
o118('' + o126.XmlElement.xml + '');
In order to get my code above to work, I'm having to remove the XmlElement reference in this function as follows:
function o119(o126){
o118('' + o126.xml + '');
When I modify this function - the script works, otherwise o126.XmlElement.xml returns a null reference exception. I don't want to have to update the code in the node.htc component. Any suggestions?
By the way - this is a very nice component.