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FlyTreeView to HTML string
Link Posted: 07-Sep-2005 22:32
Hi all

Does anyone have an idea to make an html string from a flytreeview (or from a dataset ):
private string FTVtoHTMLstring(FlyTreeView ftv){}
private string FTVtoHTMLstring(DataSet ds){}

I'd like this method returns a string like that: (with indentation)

______ ######2

Maybe it's easier to use an xsl transform with this kind of xml source :


but I deplore that a ftv.WriteXml() has not been inserted in the dll.

Does anyone has even coded a method like that ?
Link Posted: 08-Sep-2005 03:06
A simple way, working:

public static string NodetoHTMLstring(string id , int level, string text )
      string str = "
      for(int i=0 ; i      {
        str += "__";

      str += text + "

      return str;      

and how i call it

string s = "";
foreach(TreeNode tn in FlyTreeView1.GetCheckedNodes())
          s += NodetoHTMLstring( tn.Key , Convert.ToInt32(tn.Data) , tn.Text );
Link Posted: 08-Sep-2005 19:22