From within the visual studio 2005 HTML view, I can not identify any exposed properties which allow me to set initial, design-time formatting properties for the treeview control.
I can set the TreeView.Font.Name and TreeView.Font.Size properties at run-time for the entire tree (which is alright), however, there are no exposed properties like this on the FlyTreeNode object. As a result, I cannot figure out how to visually distinguish selectednodes from non-selected nodes.
Ultimately, I would like to know how to set text characteristics for the entire tree, at design time, similar to how .Net's included TreeView allows.
RootNodeStyle-Font-XXX (size/names/bold/italic/underline)
NodeStyle-Font-XXX (size/names/bold/italic/underline)
LeafNodeStyle-Font-XXX (size/names/bold/italic/underline)
SelectedNodeStyle-Font-XXX (size/names/bold/italic/underline)
Secondarily, are these properties available during run-time on dynamically created FlyTreeNode objects?