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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Syntax Question
Link Posted: 30-Aug-2006 03:24

I am having some difficulty adding child nodes to parent nodes.  Here is what I'm doing...

I add parent nodes for each record in a table (This works, I can see these in the tree.)

ftvLEVEL1TREE = New NineRays.WebControls.FlyTreeNode
ftvLEVEL1TREE.Text = myQRY(\"NAME\").ToString
ftvLEVEL1TREE.Value = myQRY(\"DEPARTMENT\").ToString

However, when I can't figure out how to find a node by value and add to it.  So lets say, I know the Value of a Node is \"17\" how can I find and add a child node to it?

I've tried...

ftvDEPARTMENT.Nodes.FindByValue(\"17\"), True).Add(ftvLEVEL2TREE)

As well as...


Neither of those works, which is probably normal since I'm unclear on the proper syntax.  Can someone help me out?

Thank You
Link Posted: 30-Aug-2006 03:49

Is the \"FindNodesByValue\" function working?

Assuming that's the case:
I see a potential problem, though I'm no expert.
Both of the lines are adding nodes to a node object:



ftvDEPARTMENT.Nodes.FindByValue(\"17\"), True).Add(ftvLEVEL2TREE)

Each node object contains it's own set of nodes and that is what needs to be added to.

so, try...

ftvDEPARTMENT.Nodes.FindByValue(\"17\"), True).Nodes.Add(ftvLEVEL2TREE)


Link Posted: 30-Aug-2006 04:29
Thanks for your help Tazbill.  Unfortunately, no luck yet.  

ftvDEPARTMENT.Nodes.FindByValue(\"17\"), True).Add(ftvLEVEL2TREE)

This line you provided is a duplicate of the line I had.  It doesn't error out, but doesn't do anything either.  I'm assuming it can't find the value, but the value is definitly assigned to a parent node.  As when the document appears, the parent nodes are there, but the child node is not.

If I do this...


It will add the nodes to the root.  But I just can't seem to figure out how to add the ChildNode to the Parent Node.

For instance, if I use the normal ASP.NET 2.0 TreeView Control and add to it, I can do this...


And that works.  But CHILDNODES is not a member of FlyTreeNodeCollection.  I'm stumped.  I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here in order to simply add a childnode to a parent node.  I appreciate any help you can give me.

Link Posted: 30-Aug-2006 04:41
In C#, the FlyTreeView node objects each have a ChildNodes object in them.

That's what I'm using to dynamically load my tree. Are you adding your nodes client-side or server-side?
Link Posted: 30-Aug-2006 04:48
I believe I'm adding them server-side.  Meaning, it is all happening in the code-behind before the control is rendered/displayed.  I'm not adding anything dynamically after that.

  I'm guessing here, but I think FindByValue returns a Collection, rather than an individual Node.  So this is why I can't attach ChildNodes to it.  Only if I were to enumerate through the results of the FindByValue.  Does that make sense?  I find that odd, as I would have thought FindByValue would return the only instance (In this case \"17\" is unique)

  Or maybe I did something wrong somewhere, does FindByValue return a collection in C#?  And/Or am I barking up the wrong tree, and this isn't the problem?

Link Posted: 30-Aug-2006 04:59

Here's what I did...

FlyTreeNodeCollection col = ftvTEST.Nodes[0].ChildNodes.FindByValue(\"17\");
col[0].ChildNodes.Add( new FlyTreeNode( \"test\" ) );


If you are pulling back a set of departments whose department number will be 17, will there be more than one?

If so, I don't know how to tell the difference.

You may want to add the new node to each of the children.

FlyTreeNodeCollection col = ftvTEST.Nodes[0].ChildNodes.FindByValue(\"17\");

FlyTreeNode newNode = new FlyTreeNode();
newNode.Text = \"Shirt\"; // add an item.
newNode.Value = \"0009893829382\"; // add sku or upc or whatever

foreach( FlyTreeNode node in col )
    node.ChildNodes.Add( newNode );

But if you're sure you'll only be returning one node with the 'FindByValue' method, you can use the first example.
Link Posted: 31-Aug-2006 15:39
ftvLEVEL1TREE = New NineRays.WebControls.FlyTreeNode
ftvLEVEL1TREE.Text = myQRY(\"NAME\").ToString
ftvLEVEL1TREE.Value = myQRY(\"DEPARTMENT\").ToString

The line ftvDEPARTMENT.FindByValue(\"17\").Add(ftvLEVEL2TREE)  just adds ftvLEVEL2TREE to the search result collection nothing more.

Kevin, probably you should use the following code:
