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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

Drag item to root
Link Posted: 05-Sep-2006 20:09
Thank you.
We're now implementing this sort of task.
Link Posted: 10-Sep-2006 09:02
There were fixes in clone() method implementation.
Also the FlyTreeView control now contains RootDropZoneHoverColor and RootDragDropAcceptNames properties.
Please, download a new build from our site.
Link Posted: 18-Sep-2006 02:45
this is absolutely great! If I could I would give you a cigar ;-)

Only one suggestion left: Can you implement something like RootDropZonePosition? Now it's allways belwo the tree, but maybe I want it left or above the tree? Is that difficult? If so, I am very happy with the way it is....
Link Posted: 18-Sep-2006 19:05
Thank you for the suggestion. Probably this will be implemented along with positioned drag-and-drop functionality when every node will have top and bottom drop zones (so a node can be moved within its sibling nodes).
Currently you can implement a kind of top drop zone using just custom drop zone  (like your implmentation above).