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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

Node Expand
Link Posted: 27-Oct-2006 07:38
Hi All,

When I click on a childNode in my TreeView, this redirect me to my aspx page but with different parameters in the querystring of my URL.

The problem is that when it comes back, my TreeView does not stay expand as it was before the page was redirected.

Is there a property that I have to set or there is something else to do to keep my Treeview expand when I click on a childNode ?

Link Posted: 27-Oct-2006 07:55
The problem is that browser does not track javascript changes.

There's only one possible solution. The NavigateUrl may contain javascript code that opens some url in a hidden IFRAME object placed on the same page as treeview.

For example javascript:{document.getElementById('myiframe').src='someurl'; document.location.replace('actualnavigateurl');}

This is to make browser to \"remember\" the page state in its History.

Hope this helps, but I've not tested this code. Anyway this should work.