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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

Print FlytreeView
Link Posted: 28-Nov-2006 02:49

I am trying to print a Flytreeview to printer but i dont know how to do it.
Is there a method to do it?
Do I have to do it with indirect method?
Is it imposible?

thx everybody



Estoy intentando imprimir el control flytreeview pero no se como hacerlo.
?Hay algun metodo que permite hacerlo?
?Tendria que hacerlo de forma indirecta?
?Es imposible?

Gracias de antemano
Link Posted: 28-Nov-2006 07:29
What difficulties do you mean?
Or do you mean the activeX control instead of ASP.NET one?
Link Posted: 28-Nov-2006 07:35

I want to print in printer all expanded  treeview and i dont know how to do it.
I dont know if there is a method to do it or not.
I use flytreeviev for .net 1.1

Link Posted: 28-Nov-2006 19:04
It depends on a current treeview state. The treeview goes to printer in the same state as it is on the page. So if you have expanded nodes then they will be printed as expanded.