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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Problems with ChildNodes.Item property in C# (but not VB!)
Link Posted: 14-Dec-2006 21:43

I am trying to access the last node in a node collection using the following code:

// obtain a reference the last child of the current parent node
FlyTreeNode objNode = ParentNode.ChildNodes.Item(ParentNode.ChildNodes.Count-1);

However, when I attempt to build, the VS.Net validation routinestates that the
'NineRays.WebControls.FlyTreeNodeCollection' does not contain a definition for 'Item'

Not only is this in direct contradiction to the documentation but the same (similar) code works in VB.Net!

' [VB]
' Works!
NodeText2 = LCase(Trim(ParentNode.ChildNodes.Item(I).Text))

I did check VS.NET Help and Google but found nothing to solve the problem.  Any ideas?  Anyone?
Link Posted: 14-Dec-2006 23:40
Probably this will work for C#:

// obtain a reference the last child of the current parent node
FlyTreeNode objNode = ParentNode.ChildNodes[ParentNode.ChildNodes.Count-1];
Link Posted: 14-Dec-2006 23:51
Yup, the IDE seems happy with that.  I am little disappointed that I didn't figure that out myself.
