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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

Maintaing TreeView's Expand/Collapse State
Link Posted: 16-Apr-2007 06:28

Firstly, I will really appreciate if I can be informed when the new release of FlyTreeView will be released for the following problem:

Secondly, Can I get few ideas on how to to maintain Expand/Collapse state of tree view on Postbacks even when a node is Added/Deleted or is there any feature in FlyTreeView which can take care of this.

Thanks a lot !

Warm regards,
Link Posted: 16-Apr-2007 11:44
The first question:
Please download the latest version. It contains fix for the context menu control.

For the second question:
FlyTreeView maintains its nodes state. It maintains expanded/collapsed state, node text, node attributes/values, etc. Even if these settings were changed at client-side.
It also adds/deletes nodes at server-side nodes collection when you delete some nodes at client-side.

You can check it at
Create treeview, arrange nodes in any way and click Postback. Then you'll see that all nodes are in their places. Server nodes completely reflect client-side ones.