I have a tree. It has 2 levels of nodes. I have set PostBackOnExpand="True" for the top level nodes. When I first click a node, I can see that the 2nd level is shown almost immediately, and it's empty. This is good. The form then posts back and I populate the 2nd level with my UI.
On my postback in my OnNodeExpandedChanged handler, if another node is already expanded I close this previous node as I only want to have one node opened at a time. When I click a different node, the first node is closed, and the 2nd level for the new parent node, (which is empty) is shown almost immediately, and the form posts back. Everything is good so far.
Now, if I click again on the node I initially clicked on, the 2nd level for this node is immediately shown and I see the UI that I had shown previously. I believe the node UI was cached. I can see this UI all during the postback and my postback on my machine is fairly slow right now. If a user starts clicking on this UI that was cached and they can see during the postback, this causes problems on the server.
I basically don't want anything to be shown in this 2nd level until the form returns back from the postback. Is there anyway to turn off this behaviour?
I'm considering using something like jQuery with the blockUI plugin to block the user from clicking on this stale UI in the middle of a postback, but if there is better way to do this, I'd like to know.