I am having a problem with my style sheets (Tree.jpg)
BorderColor="Silver" ExpandLevel="4" BorderWidth="1px" Height="100%" Width="400px"
Padding="0px" EnableFullRowEvents="True" OnNodeSelected="flyTreeView2_OnNodeSelected"
OnDropJavascript="flyTreeView2_OnDrop" OnDragOverJavascript="flyTreeView2_OnDragOver"
OnDragOutJavascript="flyTreeView2_OnDragOut" PostBackOnDropAccept="True" PostBackOnSelect="true"
RowHeight="18px" />
width: 400px;
.tree .DefaultStyle
So it's all fairly standard, but I suspect that some of my styles for the site are conflicting with it and adding Padding or Margins.
Now I have made sure there are no styles for Lists, Ordered Lists or Un-OrderedLists etc.
Any help would be much appreciated.