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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Right click makes context menu disappear?
Link Posted: 18-Mar-2009 04:03

I have a contextmenu who’s command event I use to check which node is selected and I have PostbackOnSelect = true and SelectOnRightClick = true.
However the contextmenu disappears when I right click and I have to right click again for it to appear again.

My question is:
How do I determine which node was right clicked on in the commend event of the  contextmenu without having PostbackOnSelect and SelectOnRightClick = true because this makes the contextmenu disappear.?

Conrad Pienaar
Link Posted: 18-Mar-2009 10:47
If you mean server side, then FlyContextMenuCommandEventArgs has CommandArgument property, which contains node ID for the node affected.

Also, why do you need PostBackOnSelect? Isn't the FlyMenuItem.AutoPostback what you actually need?