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server side node population checked state
Link Posted: 05-Aug-2009 21:34
I have two different sites that are using checkbox tree views with on demand node population. PostbackOnCheck are both set to false.

    OnPopulateNodes="TreeView_PopulateNodes" runat="server">

On postback, in the event handler for the node population, the node in the event argument always has its Checked state set to true, even if the check box is not ticked. This only happens on one of the sites, the other reports its checked status correctly.

The tree views on each site are configured identically themselves, but there is must be some difference that is causing a problem for me. The pages the treeviews are on are radically different between the sites. I am having great trouble identifying what is causing this. Any help would be much appreciated!
Link Posted: 05-Aug-2009 22:20
Actually, TreeView_PopulateNodes occurs at Callback (not a simple postback).

May be you have some difference in the way how viewstate is managed.
I'm not sure, you need to compare two pages to get the difference. At least make a dummy page with same FlyTreeView settings, make sure that it works correctly.