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Presale and licensing questions

Redistributable License question
Link Posted: 21-Sep-2005 21:12
Hi there.

Having purchased the "FlyTreeView for ASP.NET 3.4, 7) Redistributable License (addition for royalty-free licenses)" and the "FlyTreeView for ASP.NET Enterprise License" i was wondering why the download for the redistributable license only consists of a readme.txt with a text saying that "This license requires one of the royalty-free licenses of the product".
The "FlyTreeView for ASP.NET Enterprise License" indicates that this requirement should be met.

Am I doing something wrong here?

Thanks in advance.

Link Posted: 26-Sep-2005 15:25
Dear Sir,

It's ok. The redistributable license does not provide you with any files, it just "gives you the right". All the redistributables such as client runtime files and control assembly dll may be found within Enterprise files.

Feel free to contact me for further assistance.
Link Posted: 28-Sep-2005 08:33
Dear EvgenyT

Now I understand.

Thank you very much for the answer.