Yes, Spices.Obfuscator license is hardware dependent.
Could you please be more precise? What it exactly means?
- I have to require a new activation code after a disk crash or another hardware upgrade?
In this case you can simply send the new activation code request with explanation of request to receive activated license.
You can install and use Spices.Obfuscator on more than one machine, we support work-home or work-portable usage, but you should activate each installed copy.
- I have several OS on the same machine. I have to request an activation code for each OS on the same machine?
No. Only one request.
- Is there a limit to the activation codes I can require?
You can use Spices.Obfuscator on two machines (work-home, desktop-laptop). I think, no limits, we're analyzing activation requests and can recognize machine id, if we'll have question about new activation we'll ask you to explain this request.
- I often regenerates my home machine, by reinstalling the whole OS. Is a new activation code required for every OS re-installation?
- What's about using Spices.Obfuscator on virtual machine software (i.e.: VmWare)?
No problem.