In my grid I have a lookuplistcolumn which datasource is updated on NodeSelectedChanging according to different parameters.
It works fine except in one case where I get the following exception:
Index was outside the bounds of the array.
The exception occurs in ninerays.flygrid.columns.dll
I've included the Callstack output below.
To raise the exception I've followed the following steps:
1. select the new row at the bottom of the grid.
2. fill in information
3. double click on the lookuplistcolumn node of the previous row (the one just above) without selecting the row before the double click
ninerays.flygrid.columns.dll!NineRays.Windows.Forms.Grids.LookupListColumn.IncrementValue(NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.NodeBase node = {NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.VirtualNode}, System.IServiceProvider provider = {NineRays.Windows.Forms.FlyGrid}) + 0x78 bytes
ninerays.flygrid.dll!NineRays.Windows.Forms.FlyGrid.DoubleClickRow(int row = 5, bool toggleExpand = false, int col = 4) + 0x168 bytes
ninerays.flygrid.dll!NineRays.Windows.Forms.FlyGrid.OnNodeDoubleClick(NineRays.Windows.Forms.Grids.FlyGridViewPort port = {NineRays.Windows.Forms.Grids.FlyGridViewPort}, NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.NodeBase node = {NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.VirtualNode}, int col = 4) + 0xb6 bytes
ninerays.flygrid.dll!NineRays.Windows.Forms.FlyGrid.OnMouseClick(NineRays.Windows.Forms.Grids.FlyGridViewPort port = {NineRays.Windows.Forms.Grids.FlyGridViewPort}, NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.NodeBase node = {NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.VirtualNode}, int col = 4, int x = 322, int y = 123, int count = 2, System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons button = Left) + 0x58 bytes
ninerays.flygrid.dll!NineRays.Windows.Forms.FlyGrid.OnMouseUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs me = {X=323 Y=124 Button=Left}) + 0xcdb bytes
Can you help?