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.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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adding rows in virtual mode
Link Posted: 01-Oct-2005 21:16
hi all.
after i populate my grid (in virtual mode) with a dataviwe, is it possible to add rows to a certain node?

** is it possible to show rows under a node but without the root lines?
    (it should look like an ordinary rows in a table)
Link Posted: 03-Oct-2005 13:04
[quote="shachar"]hi all.
after i populate my grid (in virtual mode) with a dataviwe, is it possible to add rows to a certain node?

In this case you can use VirtualMode_GetCount and VirtualMode_InitNewNode events to provide additional nodes of certain node.

Firstly you should provide your own node that provides
** is it possible to show rows under a node but without the root lines?
    (it should look like an ordinary rows in a table)

You can set ShowLines or ShowOutline properties of HierachyColumn or TreeViewColumn to do not show root lines.
Link Posted: 08-Oct-2005 20:00
what will fire this event?
Link Posted: 10-Oct-2005 15:02
FlyGrid is fires these events - see the Virtual Mode sample,
I've forget to mention - you should set FlyGrid.Rows.VirtualMode (i.e turn FlyGrid into virtual mode) to true to use these events