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Get column width to expand with resize...
Link Posted: 27-Oct-2005 06:39
I have a flygrid on the left of a form then a splitter bar and then other form controls to the right of the splitter.  The problem I have is that when I move the splitter control the flygird expands (as I would expect) but the last column does not seem to fill the extent of the flygrid i.e. the last column stays the same width as before the flygrid was stretched.

Is there a way that the last column could expand to fill the width of the flygrid???

I hope that made sense???

Thanks in advance

Link Posted: 28-Oct-2005 03:02
Now it is impossible, but we're planning to implement new auto fit mode like StatusBarPanelAutoSize.Sping for Status bar panels, when columns with this mode will autoresized to fit to FlyGrid client width.
Link Posted: 28-Oct-2005 03:35
Do you have a time scale for when this will be possible???

Thank you for your help with all my questions

Link Posted: 22-Nov-2005 07:52
Is there a workaround for this?  I could benefit greatly if every column except the last one could auto-resize itself and if the last one would fill the remaining space.


Link Posted: 22-Nov-2005 07:58
This feature is implemented in v1.2.6, now you can use column.FitMode = ColumnFitMode.Spring and add ColumnsOptions.FitToWidth option to Columns.Options to make column width scalable, you can see this feature in action in the any of Databoud samples (click ColumnsFitToWidth check box).
Link Posted: 22-Nov-2005 09:12
Awesome!  I made the quick post as an inquiry and I got a response immediately.  Nice work!

Thanks again,
