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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

This forum related to following products: FlyGrid.Net

Please help
Link Posted: 28-Oct-2005 02:10
I've done that:

        Dim dt As New DataTable
        Dim col As New DataColumn("FieldName")
        col.DataType = GetType(String)

        Dim row As DataRow = dt.NewRow

        row("FieldName") = m_dsFields.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("FieldName")  <-----------here I assign value from database


        FlyGrid1.Rows.DataMember = dt.TableName
        FlyGrid1.Rows.DataSource = dt

and it works fine. So I'm completely lost ! If it works like this it means it should work straight away without having to use a temporary datatable...

So basically with
dim dt as new datatable
dt = m_dsfields.tables(0)

and using dt as datasource instead of m_dsfields.tables(0) has solved the problem, but this is not  a proper way of doing things. can you explain ?
Link Posted: 28-Oct-2005 02:14
may be coonected table not filled by adapter?
Link Posted: 28-Oct-2005 02:21
may be coonected table not filled by adapter?

Of course it is. I re-explain:

m_dsFields = GetReportFields(1)

'here m_dsFields.tables(0) contain correct data

FlyGrid1.Rows.DataMember = m_dsFields.Tables(0).TableName
FlyGrid1.Rows.DataSource = m_dsFields

does not work

m_dsFields = GetReportFields(1)

'here m_dsFields.tables(0) contain correct data

dim dt as datatable = m_dsfields.tables(0)

FlyGrid1.Rows.DataMember = dt.tablename
FlyGrid1.Rows.DataSource = dt


I can' t see any difference or explain why it works if i use a tmp datatable....

I will assume the problem is on our side then....
Can you have a look at my other questions please