FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

This forum related to following products: FlyGrid.Net

Link Posted: 03-Nov-2005 04:33
Hi, in the new version of flygrid there is a printgrid method.
my question is if there is any way that i can control on the preview screen and the page setup form. now i can only choose rather to display them or not, but i need to change properties in them.. for example the preview form caption.
Link Posted: 03-Nov-2005 05:01
You can use another method for printing:
private void printPreviewBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
  PrintSettings ps = new PrintSettings();
  ps.Options = PrintOptions.ShowMarginsInPreview | PrintOptions.ShowPageSetupDialog | PrintOptions.ShowPreviewDialog;// | PrintOptions.ShowPrintDialog;
  ps.Options |= PrintOptions.FitToPageWidth;
  ps.DocumentName = "FlyGrid.Net Print/Preview Sample";
  ps.Header = "Current Date: "+ PrintSettings.ShortDateMacro +"\tDocument:" + PrintSettings.DocumentNameMacro + "\tCurrent Time:" + PrintSettings.ShortTimeMacro;
  ps.Footer = "\tPage ["+PrintSettings.PageNumberMacro+"] of ["+PrintSettings.PageCountMacro+"]\t";
  PrintDocument pd = gridFunctionalityGrid.ActivePort.GetPrintDocument(ps);
  //here you can setup print document
  //print document