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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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Filter Option...
Link Posted: 04-Dec-2005 07:59
You offer  filter option on FlyGrid that is databound, I was just wondering if it would be possible for you to offer this functionality for FlyGrid that are just added as data items???

This would be very usefull for myself and hopeflly many other people.

Thank you

Link Posted: 07-Dec-2005 23:18
Is this possible or something you would consider adding

Link Posted: 08-Dec-2005 03:12
Custom filters is implemented in FlyGrid.Net, open Filters and Summaries sample, expand some node and click [OrderDate] column filter in the nested grid to see how to implement custom filters at runtime.
Link Posted: 13-Dec-2005 01:08
I've set the allowFilter option to true, which add's the filter dropdowns on the column heads, however:

1) When I select a row from the filter dropdown it does not seem to filter the flygrid to suit, have you got an example code in vb.net ???

Thank you

Link Posted: 13-Dec-2005 02:15
Please send us (develop[at]9rays.net) a sample project that illustrate your problem, this helps to quickly solve this.
Link Posted: 13-Dec-2005 08:55
Download example here



P.S. Please ignore title of project, used an exsisting example.
Link Posted: 14-Dec-2005 01:35
See the follwing code for FlyGrid initialization to support filters:
  Private Function GetData() As DataTable
    Dim dataTable As DataTable = New DataTable("Data")
    Dim col As Column
    For Each col In Me.FlyGrid.Columns.Items
      Dim dc As DataColumn = New DataColumn(col.FieldName)
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To 2000
      Dim data As Object() = New Object(Me.FlyGrid.Columns.Items.Count - 1) {}
      data(0) = "Column1 " & i.ToString
      data(1) = "Column2 " & (i + 1).ToString
      Me.txtStatus.Text = "Loading rows " & i.ToString & " of 2000,please wait..."
    Return dataTable
  End Function

  Private Sub btnAddRow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddRow.Click
    Me.FlyGrid.Rows.DataSource = GetData()
    Me.txtStatus.Text = ""
  End Sub
Link Posted: 14-Dec-2005 09:37
Thank you that's what I wanted.

Just out of interest is there a way to remove the empty last row in the flygrid???


Link Posted: 14-Dec-2005 18:00
To hide AddNew Row, simply remove RowsOptions.ShowAddNewRow option from FlyGrid.Rows.Options
flyGrid.Rows.Options &= ~RowsOptions.ShowAddNewRow;
Link Posted: 15-Dec-2005 07:45
Thank you for all your help, very much apreshiated...
