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showing checkd checkboxs
Link Posted: 29-Dec-2005 01:03
i have a virtual nested grid with checkboxes next to the hierarchical column.

when i populate my grid data, the indecation if my checkbox should be checkd comes from a specifec column in the table.

i do this logic int the Grid_VirtualMode_GetCellValue() method.

but for some reason, when open the next level in is not checkd, until i put my mouse over it.

if you understand my problem, please help me.

p.s. the code lines:

does fix this problem.

thank you, guy
Link Posted: 16-Jan-2006 01:29
Can you send me (develop at 9rays) a smal sample to solve this problem?
It will more better if you'll use VirtualMode_InitNewNode handler, in this handler you can create new node and initialize node's checkbox.