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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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BeforeUpdate/AfterUpdate for each cell
Link Posted: 15-Jan-2006 20:17

We need the BeforeUpdate/AfterUpdate events of each cell, and each row.
Is it possible?

Link Posted: 16-Jan-2006 03:10
1. You can use FlyGrid.NodeCellChanging/NodeCellChange event handlers for these purposes.
2. If you using Virtual mode or databinding to display your data you can use FlyGrid.Rows.UpdateMode = UpdateMode.OnRowChangedOrLostFocus / UpdateMode.OnCellChangedOrLostFocus to receive notifications via FlyGrid.UpdateRowData / UpdateRowCellData event handlers.
Link Posted: 22-Jan-2006 20:31
I did what you said, and the second choice does not work.

i set the updatemode property to one of the choices, and it wont fiers the right event.

what might be the problem?
Link Posted: 23-Jan-2006 16:55
Can you provide me with a sample?
Please send to develop at 9rays.net and zip.