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Custom UIType editors
Link Posted: 21-Feb-2006 23:04
I seem to be struggling with the following issue:

I try to retrieve the actual PropertyDescriptor object for the property that is being edited. Normally, when the framework calls the EditValue method of your custom UITypeEditor type, it provides an ITypeDescriptorContext, which contains the nescessary references to the property in casu. Now, using FlyGrid, this field still contains null (in the previous version, the context parameter was entirely null). Is there an alternative way to obtain specific property metadata ?
Link Posted: 22-Feb-2006 00:29
Please provide us with a code:
Important question: How you fill FlyGrid, that data nodes contain?
As DynamicallyAutoDetectDataTypeColumn works with a normal data (not a PropertyDescriptor), extracts type of data and obtains associated with this type UITypeEditor.
We're planning to add PropertyColumn to the nearest update of FlyGrid.Net, probably this column helps you to solve this problem.
Link Posted: 23-Feb-2006 02:46
I mailed a simple example to Victor Victorov, the 9rays support man. Still had no response, but the above reply says it all. In the examples provided by 9rays, the editor attribute is always applied on the entire type; not on separate properties. So, I'm really looking forward to the next release because this is (or can be) quite a handicap for many developers (especially for me   ).

For those who cant wait; a workaround:

During grid buildup; you can check the property attributes yourself, and based upon this, create CustomDropDownColumns, or whatever (inherited) columntype you wish. Since this way of working requires you to do a check for each and every type/contents of propertyattribute; it implicates a little bit less flexibility. My opinion is to wait for (the hopefully very soon to be released) new version, since the editorattribute-way is the most .NET charakterized way (and the most flexible, elegant way).

Anyways, thanks for the reply!