1. Use FlyGrid.Rows.UpdateMode for the update datable.
There are two modes to receive notifications about updating datasource:
OnCellChangedOrLostFocus - Changed data will updated after changed in the cell of node or after FlyGrid lost focus. [/*:m]
OnRowChangedOrLostFocus - Changed data will updated after focused row changed or after FlyGrid lost focus. [/*:m][/list:u]
Here is example of usage (used UpdateMode = OnRowChangedOrLostFocus):
public bool UpdateRowDataHandler(object sender, int position)
//you can analyze datarow -
// Rows rows = sender as Rows;
// DataTable dt = rows.DataSource as DataTable
// DataRow dr = dt.Rows[position]
// dr.AcceptChanges();
return true;
return false;