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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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ToolTipShow event
Link Posted: 09-Mar-2006 01:44

I'm trying to use the ToolTipShow event to set tooltips on a per-cell basis.  My code looks like:

private bool gridBeds_ToolTipShow(object sender, ref string text)
            HitTestInfo hti = gridBeds.GetHitTestInfoAt(gridBeds.PointToClient(Cursor.Position));
            if (hti.HitTest == HitTest.OnNode)
                text = hti.Row + "/" + hti.Col;                
                return true;
            else return false;

I can verify that the event is being raised correctly and the value of the string 'text' is getting set correctly, but no tooltip appears.  Am I missing something?

Link Posted: 09-Mar-2006 05:54
I investigated doing the same thing, but found out that currently FlyGrid only supports per column tooltips not per cell tooltips. Unless this functionality was added in the newest version (1.3.5), we'll have to wait until 9Rays enhances FlyGrid to support this feature.
Link Posted: 30-Mar-2006 04:49
We're modified tooltips behaviour, and the neareast FlyGrid update will contains a dynamic tooltips example - see the TreeListView sample and click on Dynamic Tooltips checkbox to see the dynamic tooltips at work.