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nodeselectioncahnged event
Link Posted: 12-Mar-2006 19:47
I use the 1.3.3 version.

i think that youe event (the one in the headline) is not working good.

it fires only on selection on nodes, and not on deselection.

can you please check this.

Link Posted: 13-Mar-2006 00:52
Use FlyGrid.NodeSelectedChange event instead of FlyGrid.SelectionChanged.
FlyGrid.SelectionChanged is used with multiselect option to be notifed when multiple selection is changed.
Link Posted: 13-Mar-2006 01:53
i was/am using this event.
Link Posted: 13-Mar-2006 21:01
I've checked FlyGrid.NodeSelectedChange all works fine -
this event fires when node.Selected property is changed (to false or to true).
Link Posted: 14-Mar-2006 01:24
I've checked it, and i t fiers only when te property becomes true.

i checked it in your 1.2.14 version, and then it works.

it does not work in 1.3.3 and 1.3.5 versions.

Please recheck.

thanks, Guy
Link Posted: 15-Mar-2006 04:56
Version 1.3.5,
I've added NodeSelectedchange handler to the treeListViewFrm (Tree/ListView Replacement sample):
private void FillGrid()
  todoList.NodeSelectedChange += new NodeHandler(todoList_NodeSelectedChange);
private void todoList_NodeSelectedChange(object sender, NodeBase node)
  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Node: Index:{0}, Selected: {1}", node.Index, node.Selected.ToString()));

Here is debug output (with my comments):
Node: Index:0, Selected: True //node from first row is selected
Node: Index:0, Selected: False //node from first row is unselected
Node: Index:1, Selected: True //and node from second row is selected
Node: Index:1, Selected: False //etc...
Node: Index:2, Selected: True
Node: Index:2, Selected: False
Node: Index:1, Selected: True
Node: Index:1, Selected: False
Node: Index:2, Selected: True
Link Posted: 15-Mar-2006 05:51

I think I figured out why we have different bevahiour:
You select with the keyboard, and it really works with the keyboard.
I select with the mouse, and It does'nt work with the mouse.

I'm also sending you a sample program to show the problem.
Just don't forget to select with the mouse...

Link Posted: 15-Mar-2006 06:55
Thanks for the sample, we' try to solve this problem to the nearest FlyGrid.Net update (end of this week).