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OnMouseClick col is wrong if grid has hidden cols
Link Posted: 22-Mar-2006 09:37

overridden OnMouseClick in a grid receives the wrong col id when the grid contains hidden columns. It returns the ID measured by visible columns. So, for example I get ID 4 when it's the 5th visibile column but in reality the ID is 8.

Link Posted: 22-Mar-2006 23:39
I've test this problem and use following code for diagnostics (before tests I've hide some columns and reoder columns):
protected override bool OnMouseClick(FlyGridViewPort port, NodeBase node, int col, int x, int y, int count, MouseButtons button)
  Debug.WriteLine("Clicked Column is " + this.Columns.VisibleColumns[col].Caption);
  base.OnMouseClick(port, node, col, x, y, count, button)

My tests is show that all works fine - columns recognized correctly.
Link Posted: 23-Mar-2006 00:42
Well, yes it does when I use VisibleColumns ... but how am I supposed to know that I need to use VisibleColumns here?
Link Posted: 23-Mar-2006 02:37
Sorry for missing documentation, we're working on improvements.