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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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Column resize bug
Link Posted: 27-Mar-2006 09:00

here's another column resize bug which appears in docked windows only:


Link Posted: 30-Mar-2006 12:37
This problem is solved, nearest update will available at the beginning of next week.
Link Posted: 10-Apr-2006 22:40
unfortunately I still have this problem: http://www.kingvest.de/bugs/sizing5/sizing5.html
Link Posted: 20-Apr-2006 21:25
have you looked into this? thanks
Link Posted: 23-Apr-2006 10:02
Seems that you're using ColumnsOptions.FitToWidth,
this is not a bug, FlyGrid calculates columns width propotionally to current width of viewport. If scrollbar appeared - with of viewport decreased and columns width decreased also.
Link Posted: 23-Apr-2006 10:12
so what?
Scrollbar disappeared - width of viewport increased and column witdth should increase which it doesn't
Link Posted: 23-Apr-2006 11:08
try to handle FlyGrid.Resize - probably you're using FlyGrid inheritor that not correctly uses OnResize method and doesn't calling base.OnResize.
Link Posted: 23-Apr-2006 11:29
no, I'm not overriding FlyGrid OnResize anywhere
Link Posted: 23-Apr-2006 12:01
this FlyGrid using anchoring or docking or you're resize this control programmatically?
I've tried to emluate this situation but all works fine, it seem that flygrid has unfinished BeginInit(EndInit) or Columns.BeginUpdate(EndUpdate).
Link Posted: 24-Apr-2006 08:37
no, this is not the case either. I have searched through the entire project and every begininit call has a corresponding endinit call. I'm nowhere using Columns.BeginUpdate.
I'm resizing this control programmatically. However, I have the same problem with another grid that is simply docked to its parent control