
I create my columns in the flygrid by using DynamicallyAutoDetectDataTypeColumn
like this.
flgGridTable.Columns.Items.AddRange(new Column[] {
new DynamicallyAutoDetectDataTypeColumn(\"Setup Table\"),
new DynamicallyAutoDetectDataTypeColumn(\"Post\")});

Here I create two columns called Setup Table and Post.
All the cells for the first column Setup Table is of type string.
All the cells for the second column Post is of type dropdown list. It's similar
to a combobox.

If I click on any cell in the second column you get the down arrow
symbol that exist for cell similar to when you use a combobox and when you click on the down arrow symbol the list drop down so you can select a value from the list.
This works very good.

But now to my problem I want the down arrow symbol to be visible on all the cell on the second column all the time.
All the cell on the second column should show the down arrow symbol so you should not have to click on the cell for seeing the down arrow symbol.
My flygrid has 8 rows and two columns as I mentioned before.

The customer is used to see the down arrow symbol all the time when the
cell are of type drop down list.

Many Thanks!!
