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Dropdown list column
Link Posted: 10-Apr-2006 04:52
I am using a dropdown list column.  How can I make it only available for some row?  Or at least make it dropdown for only some rows?  Is there some event I can create a handler for?  

Link Posted: 10-Apr-2006 06:01
Yes you can dynamically provide dropdown style of editor for specific rows.
Create new class inherited from Dropdownlistcolumn and override EditorStyle property:
There are two classes, DynamicDropDownListColumn dynamically returns EditorStyle,
AdvDropDownListColumn - dynamically shows dropdown buttons next to the dropdownlist column.
AdvDropDownListColumn ddCol = new AdvDropDownListColumn(\"DynamicDDColumn\");
ddCol.ShowDropDownButtons = true;
//--connect to GetEditorStyle event
ddCol.GetEditorStyle += new DynamicDropDownListColumn.GetEditorStyleHandler(ddCol_GetEditorStyle);
//--GetEditorStyle event Handler:
private EditorStyle ddCol_GetEditorStyle(object sender, NodeBase node)
  return node.Index == 0 ? EditorStyle.DropDown : EditorStyle.Simple;

  public class DynamicDropDownListColumn : DropDownListColumn
    public DynamicDropDownListColumn(string caption) : base(caption){}
    public delegate EditorStyle GetEditorStyleHandler(object sender, NodeBase node);
    public event GetEditorStyleHandler GetEditorStyle;

    public virtual EditorStyle OnGetEditorStyle(NodeBase node)
      if (node != null && GetEditorStyle != null)
        return GetEditorStyle(this, node);
      return base.EditorStyle;

    public override EditorStyle EditorStyle
        FlyGrid flyGrid = this.Owner.GetOwner();
        return OnGetEditorStyle(flyGrid != null ? flyGrid.Selected : null);
        base.EditorStyle = value;
  public class AdvDropDownListColumn : DynamicDropDownListColumn
    public AdvDropDownListColumn(string caption) : base(caption){}
    private bool showDropDownButtons = false;
    public bool ShowDropDownButtons
        return showDropDownButtons;
        if (showDropDownButtons != value)
          showDropDownButtons = value;
          base.OnChanged(InvalidationMode.ColumnWithoutHeader, false);
    public override Rectangle GetEditableCellRect(FlyGridViewPort context, FlyGridViewPort grid, NodeBase node)
      Rectangle er = base.GetEditableCellRect (context, grid, node);
      EditorStyle edStyle = OnGetEditorStyle(node);
      if (showDropDownButtons && (edStyle == EditorStyle.DropDown || edStyle == EditorStyle.DropDownResizable))
        er.Width -= SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;      
      return er;

    public override void PaintCell(CellDrawInfo dci)
      Rectangle buttonRect = dci.cellRect;
      EditorStyle edStyle = OnGetEditorStyle(dci.node);
      bool showButtons = showDropDownButtons && (edStyle == EditorStyle.DropDown || edStyle == EditorStyle.DropDownResizable);
      if (showButtons)
        dci.cellRect.Width -= SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth;        
      base.PaintCell (dci);
      if (showButtons)
        buttonRect = new Rectangle(buttonRect.Right - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth, buttonRect.Y, SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth, buttonRect.Height);
        ControlPaint.DrawComboButton(dci.g, buttonRect, ButtonState.Normal);