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Sorting subnodes
Link Posted: 14-Apr-2006 00:37

I have a hierachy column and the nodes in it have subnodes. I'd like to sort the subnodes by a certain column when they are added. I tried:

accountNode.Items.Sort(ColumnCache[\"symbol\"], accountNode.Items.Count, StringComparer.InvariantCulture);

but I'm getting: \"Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or is greater thatn the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.\"

I guess it has to do with the \"count\" parameter in the sort method? Not sure what I should pass there?
Link Posted: 14-Apr-2006 18:49
Do not forget that you're sorting node's instances, not a strings.
For sorting purposes you can use your own IComparer implementation:
NB: with the nearest update you can perform sorting with NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.DefaultComparer that supports multiple columns sorting
private void SortNodes(NodeBase node, Column col)
  NodesComparer comparer = new NodesComparer(col);

public class NodesComparer : IComparer
  private Column col;
  public NodesComparer(Column col)
    this.col = col;
  #region IComparer Members
  public int Compare(object x, object y)
    Node xnode = x as Node;
    Node ynode = y as Node;
    int result = 0 ;
    object xobj = xnode.GetCellValue(col);
    object yobj = ynode.GetCellValue(col);
    IComparable xvalue = xobj as IComparable;
    IComparable yvalue = yobj as IComparable;
    if (xvalue != null && col.SortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending)
      result = xvalue.CompareTo(yvalue);
    else if (yvalue != null && col.SortOrder == SortOrder.Descending)
      result = yvalue.CompareTo(xvalue);
    return result;
Link Posted: 14-Apr-2006 23:46
Well, I thought the first parameter in the sort method specifies the column by which to sort and that is type of string. Anyways, thanks for the sample code
Link Posted: 19-Apr-2006 07:53
Here is more correct code (in previous example sorting performed on old SortOrder of column, but if we use sorting in ColumnSortOrderChanging we should use new SortOrder value):
private void SortNodes(NodeBase node, Column col, SortOrder newOrder)
  NodesComparer comparer = new NodesComparer(col, newOrder);

public class NodesComparer : IComparer
  private Column col;
  private SortOrder order;
  public NodesComparer(Column col, SortOrder order)
    this.col = col;
    this.order = order;
  #region IComparer Members
  public int Compare(object x, object y)
    Node xnode = x as Node;
    Node ynode = y as Node;
    int result = 0 ;
    object xobj = xnode.GetCellValue(col);
    object yobj = ynode.GetCellValue(col);
    IComparable xvalue = xobj as IComparable;
    IComparable yvalue = yobj as IComparable;
    if (xvalue != null && order == SortOrder.Ascending)
      result = xvalue.CompareTo(yvalue);
    else if (yvalue != null && order == SortOrder.Descending)
      result = yvalue.CompareTo(xvalue);
    return result;