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ColumnAlignment, cells draw inconsistent
Link Posted: 26-May-2006 11:56
I just tried Graphics.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;  and I still see the very same problem.
What do you mean by using TrueType fonts? Verdana, is a TrueType font and that's what I'm using
Link Posted: 26-May-2006 12:02
Also, I just tried all TextRenderingHint modes and there's no change no matter which one I use
Link Posted: 26-May-2006 12:25
Hm, yes, but the text drawing calculations are made in Graphics.DrawString.
Seems that some internal floatint translations in this procedure shows this result.
Link Posted: 26-May-2006 12:36
This is result of usage
dci.g.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit;:
Link Posted: 26-May-2006 12:40
if I use that it's

a) still off for me
b) fonts are not rendered ClearType anymore when a user has set his screen to ClearType
Link Posted: 26-May-2006 12:46
We'll try to find solution at Microsoft support and communities, but...
May be you use some of the monospace fonts? Like Courier New.
Sorry, but currently I've no better idea.
Link Posted: 26-May-2006 12:49
they're ugly
You probably know, but just in case... this is a good place to get answers: http://forums.microsoft.com/msdn/default.aspx?siteid=1
Link Posted: 07-Jun-2006 06:49
were you able to make any progress on this?


Link Posted: 07-Jun-2006 07:45
Seems that this problem is not solved even in .Net 2.0 runtime and MS have no solution.
Link Posted: 07-Jun-2006 08:15
but I don't see this problem in other grid controls.