1. C# how to make the whole grid read only I've seen a vb example but this does not seem to be valid, i.e., flyGrid1.Options ...
flyGrid.Options |= GridOptions.ReadOnly; //to make whole FlyGrid read only (lock editing)
flyGrid.Options &= ~GridOptions.ReadOnly; //to unlock editing
2. C# again, how to fire an event when a button column is clicked.
See the Xtras\\TaskManager sample that using ButtonColumns:
//init Buttoncolumn
ButtonColumn startColumn = new ButtonColumn(\"Start\");
startColumn.ButtonImage = this.startBtn.Image;
startColumn.ButtonImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
startColumn.ButtonClick += new ButtonColumnClickHandler(startColumn_ButtonClick);
//ButtonClick handler
private void startColumn_ButtonClick(object sender, NodeBase node)
TaskNode taskNode = node as TaskNode;//extract task node
if (taskNode != null)
Task task = taskNode.Value as Task;//extrack Task object
if (task != null && !task.Started)//if Task not started - start Task
ValidateThreadButtons(taskNode);//validate task buttons in clicked node