Use NodeCellChange event for this purpose.
NodeCellChanging event needs to validate value, when value is validated - cell value is changed and NodeCellChange is fired.
If you need to handle only manual node cell value changing, and do not handle changes made in code you should embrace node cell changes code into FlyGrid.BeginInit/EndInit:
for(int i=0; i < flyGrid.Rows.Items.Count; i++)
flyGrid.Rows.Items[i][\"someField\"] = i;
or use make changes:
int cellIndex = this.Columns.FieldMapIndexOf(\"someField\");
for(int i=0; i < flyGrid.Rows.Items.Count; i++)
NodeBase node = flyGrid.Rows.Items[i];
object[] value = node.Value as object[];
value[cellIndex] = i;