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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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BUG - Critical: System.StackOverflowException
Link Posted: 01-Jun-2006 03:24
I am able to reproduce a bug that causes a System.StackOverfowException.

I have a grid with 65 rows and 45 columns.  If I drag the horizontal scrollbar back and forth quickly, the grid cannot keep up with its drawing.  If I continue to drag it back and forth, over and over again, for about 10-20 seconds, then the StackOverflowException occurs.

I have PixelHorzScrollbar = true in case that makes a difference
Link Posted: 02-Jun-2006 05:17
Thanks for the report,
can you provide us with stack trace of this exception?
You can add following code to your app to handle unhandled exceptions and provide us with full info about this problem:
static void Main()
  //connect to unhandled exceptions handler
  AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);
  //init and run your app

private static void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
  Exception exception = args.ExceptionObject as Exception;
  if (exception != null)
    string exceptionInfo = string.Format(\"Exception Info: {0}]\\r\\nStackTrace:\\r\\n{1}\\r\\nClick Yes if you want to continue, No - to close application\", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace);
    if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(exceptionInfo, \"Unhandled Exception\", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No)
Link Posted: 05-Jun-2006 09:38
Thanks for the report once againe. We've found and fixed this problem.