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INodeNavigation, Siblings
Link Posted: 03-Aug-2006 23:39
Based on the materials available, I don't really understand the use of INodeNavigation. Let's say that I wanted to compose a collection containing exactly all of my sibling TreeViewNodes: how would I do this using INodeNavigation - I'd certainly appreciate it if you could supply just a few lines' example.

Second question: do you think that adding a method or getter \"GetSiblings\" to return directly such a collection would be a useful addition to FlyGrid?
Link Posted: 03-Aug-2006 23:46
Hang on, I think I figured it out.

Based on the materials available, I don't really understand the use of INodeNavigation. Let's say that I wanted to compose a collection containing exactly all of my sibling TreeViewNodes: how would I do this using INodeNavigation - I'd certainly appreciate it if you could supply just a few lines' example.

I'm still asking this, though.

do you think that adding a method or getter \"GetSiblings\" to return directly such a collection would be a useful addition to FlyGrid?
Link Posted: 04-Aug-2006 03:22
do you think that adding a method or getter \"GetSiblings\" to return directly such a collection would be a useful addition to FlyGrid?

In some cases (in virtual mode for example, with a large amount of nodes) GetSiblings method (returning full collection of nodes) - not an optimal way for navigation, but with GetNextSibling/GetPrevSibling - more optimal.
Also - some methods requires a fast enumeration methods that can be achieved by using GetNextSibling/NextSibling methods.

Some coding techniques(Delphi/VB) also require these methods.
You can use more native for c# methods - referencing to the parent node and receiving Items property of parent node to access to the nodes collection.