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IStyledNode OnBeginPaint(CellDrawInfo info) bug/help
Link Posted: 11-Aug-2006 05:10
I'm tring to use info.backBrush so i can make a fill pattern when
the node is selected.

it seems that setting this brush does not do anything.

how do i use this field?
Link Posted: 11-Aug-2006 07:25
Did you see the code of ToDoStyledNode in treelistViewfrm.cs of the FlyGrid.Net Demo?
Please see ToDoStyledNode code to correct your code.
Also you can search IStyledNode implementors in the FlyGrid.Net Demo and this support boards - you can find several code samples, that help you to understand IStyledNode interface usage.
Link Posted: 11-Aug-2006 09:48
You never use the brush in TodoStyledNode

i'm looking for a sample of info.backBrush

Link Posted: 11-Aug-2006 09:55
This field doesn't used in IStyledNode, If you want tot set background brush you can specify info.customBackColor field.
Do not forget to clear customBackColor/customForeColor in OnEndPaint method.