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Bug using fixed columns and scrolling by column
Link Posted: 22-Sep-2006 09:27
I have the following options set on my rid:

grid.Options = GridOptions.ShowFixedLines Or  _
          gridOptions.ShowHorzLines   Or GridOptions.ShowVertLines
grid.Columns.LeftFixedColumns = 1

When I start scrolling to the right, eventually it ends up going past the last column. At this point, I see empty space in the grid and the horizontal scroll bar disappears!

If I try to interact with the grid, I get this:

System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(hWnd As IntPtr, msg As Int32, wparam As IntPtr, lparam As IntPtr) As IntPtr
System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(m As Message&)
System.Windows.Forms.Control+ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(m As Message&)
NineRays.Windows.Forms.FlyGrid.WndProc(m As Message&)
System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(m As Message&)
System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseMove(m As Message&)
NineRays.Windows.Forms.FlyGrid.OnMouseMove(me As MouseEventArgs)
NineRays.Windows.Forms.Grids.FlyGridViewPort.5( As FlyGridViewPort,  As Int32,  As Int32) As HitTestInfo
NineRays.Windows.Forms.Grids.FlyGridViewPort.5( As Point,  As FlyGridViewPort,  As Int32,  As Int32) As HitTestInfo
NineRays.Windows.Forms.Grids.FlyGridViewPort.2( As Point,  As Rectangle,  As Int32,  As Int32,  As Int32,  As Int32) As Int32
Link Posted: 24-Sep-2006 23:01
What version of FlyGrid do you use?
Link Posted: 25-Sep-2006 02:12
I'm using version 22.
Link Posted: 26-Sep-2006 00:08
Hm, very strange, we/ve tested this problem but have not found any problem.
Can you send us screenshots or code to more clearly understand scenario caused error?
Link Posted: 26-Sep-2006 02:31
I am unable to add attachments here, so I will email a sample project which clearly demonstrates the problem. It seems it has to do with setting the width of columns instead of accepting defaults.
Link Posted: 26-Sep-2006 08:40
Thanks for the sample, we've tested your demo with the latest v1.4.0.28 and have not found any incorrections - all works fine, without exceptions, scroll bar doesn't disappear.
Also, about empty space that you see on the end:
You've used turned off GridOptions.PixelHorzScrollbarin FlyGrid.Options, in this mode horizontall scroll bar use column-based offset and empty space can be appeared, if you turn on (include GridOptions.PixelHorzScrollbar) horizontal bar will scroll on pix-based offset and empty space will not appeared.
Please update FlyGrid to the latest version v1.4.0.28
Link Posted: 27-Sep-2006 04:45
I sent you my response, that using version 28 does not make anything any different.

I want scrolling by column.

The main problem is that the scrollbars disappear, and that the flygrid starts raising errors that basically shut down the entire application.

I sent you screenshots of what I am seeing.
Link Posted: 08-Nov-2006 05:11
Hello; I have the same/similar problem.
My dll version is

this.m_pGridIntersect.m_pFlyGrid.ActivePort.HScrollBarEnabled= true;      
this.m_pGridIntersect.m_pFlyGrid.ActivePort.VScrollBarEnabled= true;  
this.m_pGridIntersect.m_pFlyGrid.Columns.LeftFixedColumns = 1;

With the three lines above everything works; If I add the line

this.m_pGridIntersect.m_pFlyGrid.Options &= ~GridOptions.PixelHorzScrollbar;

the scrollbars dissapear
Link Posted: 08-Nov-2006 12:21
This problem is fixed in the nearest update.