Private Sub flyGrid_DialogButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal port As FlyGridViewPort, ByVal col As Column, ByVal node As NodeBase)
Dim newForm As New Form3
newForm.TextBox1.Text = col.GetTextValue(node)
newForm.btnOK.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK 'Sets default button
newForm.ShowDialog(Me) 'Show newForm as a Dialog Box
Dim strTest As String
If newForm.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK Then 'Wait for dialog box to close
strTest = newForm.TextBox1.Text
End If
col.SetValue(node, strTest)
End Sub
The above code is supposed to open up a form where I edit a textbox and then click ok. At that point the dialog column which was clicked is updated with the text from the textbox. This is working perfectly up to that point. But after this for some reason a new window will pop up for each row. So if I have 3 rows, I click to edit one and it works fine, then when im done another window will pop up and if I close that window one more will pop up. ALso I noticed if I edit the text in these other windows it will still update only the cell I originally clicked on. How do I stop these extra windows from popping up?