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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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InvalidateCell Bug
Link Posted: 02-Nov-2006 01:56
I am using the CoolNode example from the Spreadsheet demo to change the back colour of particular cells.  When I change the colour on an event I use FlyGrid.InvalidateCell(Node, Column) to only re-paint that cell.  However as you can see from this image that not all of the cell gets invalidated.  If I resize the grid whist the colour change is in place then the whole cell is filled with the colour, I assume that this is because the whole grid is invalidated.

There is a 1 pixel width on the right that is not being invalidated.
Link Posted: 05-Nov-2006 01:39
Very strange behavior, I've tried to reproduce this problem - but cells invalidated correctly.
Can you provide me with a sample?
Please send sample to or provide link for downloading (you can use for these purposes YouSendIt.com services)
Link Posted: 09-Nov-2006 02:40
Thanks, the new version has now resolved this.