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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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Is there a way to force scrollbar visibility?
Link Posted: 18-Dec-2006 07:50
I've got two grids side by side that are kept in synch. However, when one grid has enough columns to require the horizontal scrollbar to show, the effective viewing area of that grid decreases and results in an orphaned row on the other side. See screenshot:

Is there a way to just force the grid to always show the scrollbar?

BTW, how's 2.0 coming?   (no pressure)
Thank you,
Mark Nadig
Link Posted: 21-Dec-2006 21:21
In this case we can suggest you to use autosize columns to fit grid's width FitToWidth mode of Columns.
Just specify Column.FitMode = ColumnFitMode.Spring for some column in the left and right grids and add to Columns.Options ColumnsOptions.FitToWidth option:
leftGrid.Columns.Items[0].FitMode = ColumnFitMode.Spring;
rightGrid.Columns.Items[0].FitMode = ColumnFitMode.Spring;
leftGrid.Columns.Options |= ColumnsOptions.FitToWidth;
rightGrid.Columns.Options |= ColumnsOptions.FitToWidth;
Link Posted: 22-Dec-2006 11:35
[quote="NineRays"]In this case we can suggest you to use autosize columns to fit grid's width FitToWidth mode of Columns.
Just specify Column.FitMode = ColumnFitMode.Spring for some column in the left and right grids and add to Columns.Options ColumnsOptions.FitToWidth option:

Thanks for the suggestion. However, we would really like the ability to just force the scrollbar always on. That seems more consistent w/ other windows controls (scrollbar = auto, always on or always off), and doesn't seem it would be difficult to implement. Please consider adding this ability.
Thank you,
Link Posted: 24-Dec-2006 14:06
Yes, you're right, we're working on implementing controlled scrollbar visiblity, I hope this feature will implemented to hte nearest update of FlyGrid - 7 January 2007.
Link Posted: 22-Jan-2007 07:25
[quote="NineRays"]Yes, you're right, we're working on implementing controlled scrollbar visiblity, I hope this feature will implemented to hte nearest update of FlyGrid - 7 January 2007.

Is this in I couldn't determine any new property or option that would force scrollbar visibility.

Thank you,
Link Posted: 22-Jan-2007 11:07
Sorry but this problem is not currently solved, but in our wishlist,
hope scrollbar visibility problem will solved to the nearest update of FlyGrid.Net.
v1.4.2.2 has some architectural improvements in sorting, grouping, filters (currently you can use your own sorters, groupers and filters to implement custom logic on this operations).
Link Posted: 28-Jan-2007 15:24
Please download v1.4.3 - scrollbar appearance is implemented in this version  - use the FlyGrid.VScrollbarAppearance and FlyGrid.HScrollbarAppearance or FlyGridViewPort.VScrollbarAppearance and FlyGridViewPort.HScrollbarAppearance properties to set HScrollbar/VScrollBar appearance as Always to show scrollbar constantly, Hidden - to hide scrollbar, Automatic - to autmatically show/hide scrollbar.
Link Posted: 29-Jan-2007 05:49
[quote="NineRays"]Please download v1.4.3 - scrollbar appearance is implemented in this version  - use the FlyGrid.VScrollbarAppearance and FlyGrid.HScrollbarAppearance or FlyGridViewPort.VScrollbarAppearance and FlyGridViewPort.HScrollbarAppearance properties to set HScrollbar/VScrollBar appearance as Always to show scrollbar constantly, Hidden - to hide scrollbar, Automatic - to autmatically show/hide scrollbar.
