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Adding to Tree View
Link Posted: 16-Jan-2007 05:07
It doesn't seem to be posible to add items manually (so much for \"drop in replacement\"), so I am trying to hook it into a class with the ILISTSOUCE interface. Not having much luck.

Basically, I need to add and remove items from the list view, either as top nodes or sub nodes. It only needs to go one level deep. So far I have just attempted to get anything into it.

In designer I created the bindinge source and added it under Rows>>DataSource. The following code produces \"UITest3.Form1+Word\" in every field:

    ref class stopListSource: IListSource


      property bool ContainsListCollection
        virtual bool get() = IListSource::ContainsListCollection::get
          return true;

      virtual IList^ GetList() = IListSource::GetList
        bndStopList->Add(gcnew Word(\"Will\",4,9));
        bndStopList->Add(gcnew Word(\"this\",4,9));
        bndStopList->Add(gcnew Word(\"work?\",4,9));

        return bndStopList;



    ref class Word
      Word(String^ word, int level, int frequency)
        word = _word;
        level = _level;
        frequency = _frequency;


      property String^ _Word
        String^ get()
          return _word;
        void set(String^ str)
          _word = str;

      property int Level
        int get()
          return _level;
        void set(int lvl)
          _level = lvl;

      property int Frequency
        int get()
          return _frequency;
        void set(int fr)
          _frequency = fr;


      String^ _word;
      int _level;
      int _frequency;

    static BindingList ^bndStopList = gcnew BindingList();

If anyone can show me how to do this properly, I would apprectiate it.

I am evaluating the trial version.
Link Posted: 17-Jan-2007 00:18
You should add IList interface implementation also.
- you should add at least one column.
- please check the FieldName property of the column to correctly display cells.