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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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Slow FlyGrid !!!
Link Posted: 22-Jan-2007 21:53

Im very disappointed initialization FlyGrid object.

I have lot of forms with 5 or more tables and time for object creation is very slow: 0.35 second for each (ony constructor without parameters and options, checked by Trace command).

5 * 0,35s = 1,5 s !!!!

Can you correct performance  for constructor.

NET 1.1
P4 2,2Ghz 1GB RAM
Link Posted: 23-Jan-2007 07:05
But FlyGrid makes very fast operations at constructions.
Probably .Net runtime tries to resolve some assembly references at this time.
Link Posted: 23-Jan-2007 20:47
I don't think so.
It's my code:

// Trace string
public static string FormatWithStringFormat( DateTime time )
  TimeSpan ts = time - LastTraceTime;
  LastTraceTime = time;
  return String.Format(\"{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}.{3:D3} {4:D2}:{5:D2}:{6:D2}.{7:D3} \",
  time.Hour, time.Minute, time.Second, time.Millisecond,
  ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds );
// Test code
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) + \" begin \" );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) );
fg = new FlyGrid();
Trace.Write(\"Flygrid \" + FormatWithStringFormat(DateTime.Now) + \" end \"  );

Times form debuger

Flygrid 08:32:32.651 00:00:00.440
Flygrid 08:32:32.861 00:00:00.210
Flygrid 08:32:33.031 00:00:00.170
Flygrid 08:32:33.182 00:00:00.150
Flygrid 08:32:33.292 00:00:00.110
Flygrid 08:32:33.402 00:00:00.110
Flygrid 08:32:33.612 00:00:00.210
Flygrid 08:32:33.762 00:00:00.150
Flygrid 08:32:34.193 00:00:00.430
Flygrid 08:32:34.503 00:00:00.310
Flygrid 08:32:34.503 00:00:00.310
Flygrid 08:32:34.734 00:00:00.230
Flygrid 08:32:34.864 00:00:00.130
Flygrid 08:32:35.004 00:00:00.140
Flygrid 08:32:35.184 00:00:00.180
Flygrid 08:32:35.365 00:00:00.180

I think times excess 0,5 s are too big.
If you put any command getween FlyGrid constructors time are growing.
Can you check this?
Link Posted: 28-Jan-2007 20:45
This topic is cosed ??

Realy you can't correct constructor performance?
Link Posted: 29-Jan-2007 01:49
No, this topic is linked to our wish list.
We're working on constructor performance.
Link Posted: 29-Jan-2007 02:11
Please set topic this to highest priority.  

Can you inform me in which release this will be corrected?
Link Posted: 29-Jan-2007 10:46
We're planning FlyGrid.Net ctor improvements to the nearest update - end of this week.
Link Posted: 19-Feb-2007 20:29
It is very, very long week ..................
Link Posted: 19-Feb-2007 23:59
Please download the latest version of FlyGrid, this version contains FlyGrid constructor improvements.