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Grouping data in DB mode
Link Posted: 26-Mar-2007 01:53

I think there is error in grouping data by column i databound mode (Rows.Group(...) method).
This future is not working (do completly nothing). Your example is not working too.
Can You  check this ??

My system:
NET 1.1

Link Posted: 27-Mar-2007 06:45
I've checked the Bound Features\\DB:Sort and Group but this sample works correctly.
Please provide more info how you use Rows.Group method.
Link Posted: 30-Apr-2007 00:49
What is happen when you click on Group buton?
Do you have any dialog whith group options?
I check this on 3 different machines, without effect.

I have new version of FG and example still not working. (My application too :=( )

NET 1.1

Link Posted: 01-May-2007 19:01
But this sample doesn't use the dialog to specify options for grouping, it's shows how to use Rows.Group method to group nodes in databound mode.
Look at the Unbound features\\Sort, Group and Filtering sample, where dialog to specify grouping options is used. You can use this dialog in databound mode, by using code from this sample .
Link Posted: 14-May-2007 01:51
Can You explain me, what do the following code ( from demo file databoundGridForm.cs ):

    private void groupBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      this.dataGrid.Rows.Group(new Column[]{

This code dos not perform grouping. Only clear selected and focused nodes !!!!

In my code when data tables is empty, this code remove grouping columns. When table is filled with data, only clear selected and focused nodes too.

Can you check Your code and halp me ??

May code is very big with many dependenties, and I can't send this to you.

Link Posted: 24-May-2007 19:30
Any solution ??
Link Posted: 19-Jun-2007 07:40
Helo, helo
Can anybody help me?