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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

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Setting ImageIndex too slow
Link Posted: 28-Jun-2007 05:54
I have a FlyGrid, which takes too long to update the ImageIndex. For example this tree has 100 nodes and it tool 25 seconds to update the images. Any ideas how to optimize performance. I have other trees which have 1000 node.

            foreach (TreeViewNode node in this.treeTest.Rows.SelectedNodes)
                node.ImageIndex = 1;
                node.SelectedImageIndex = 1;
Link Posted: 05-Jul-2007 16:39
Changes of ImageIndex/SelectedImageIndex are slow because FlyGrid needs to repaint images on the screen. Use following code to increase speed of updates:
  foreach (TreeViewNode node in this.treeTest.Rows.SelectedNodes)
    node.ImageIndex = 1;
    node.SelectedImageIndex = 1;
Link Posted: 05-Jul-2007 21:45
The proper answer is :

if (!Grid.IsDisposed) Grid.EndInit();

otherwise you will have intermittent exception (which covered by try/catch in the previous answer though). But I believe that learning the root of the problem is better strategy than flooding your code with try/catch.
Link Posted: 06-Jul-2007 03:56
BeginInit / EndInit does not make a difference. Is there a particular image type it will work better with e.g. .bmp .png .jpg?