Spices.Net v4.6 has been published:
What's new:[list]
Bonus Package:Spices.Documenter is included into all packages, excluding Spices.Obfuscator.Console.[/*:m]
Spices.Obfuscator: Optimization warnings(recommendations added).[/*:m]
Spices.Obfuscator: ObfuscateMembers/DontObfuscateMembers attribute problem fixed.[/*:m]
Spices.Decompiler: VS2005 projects(C# and VB) creation in case of .Net 2.0 assemblies decompilation.[/*:m]
Spices.Modeler: New look and feel, new diagrams has been added.[/*:m]
Spices.Net, Spices.Decompiler, Spices.Obfuscator: Fixes, corrections and optimizations.[/*:m][/list:u]