Instead of my namespace not being found, it's the obfuscated class that \"could not be found\" when I try to compile. Any ideas?
I need to see your obfuscations options to more precisely answer.
Probably you have obfuscated public and overridable members that have used in the external assembly. Please check the ObfuscationOptions.Members to exclude these types of members.
I created a class library. I then created a console app. I obfuscated the class library (as you instructed me to) and added a reference to it in the console app. When I try to reference a class from the class library in the Main of the console app, I get a \"type or namespace could not be found\" error with blue squigglies under the name of the class when I compile. Intellisense can find the class and is happy with it, but the compiler doesn't seem to like it.
Can you send us () your spices.prject used for obfuscation to give you recommendations?