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string obfuscation
Link Posted: 08-Mar-2008 09:00
Dear friends

I have just downloaded and installed the current release of Spices .Net.

I'm not an expert in obfuscation, but I think that I'm not getting the whole set of features from the tool.

I have tried different configurations (Tools/Manage pluggins...), but I only get renamed assamblies, I mean, the flow of my methods (even private) is not obfuscated and the strings are not encrypted.

I though that the trial version was able to do that. Any idea?

Best regards
Link Posted: 08-Mar-2008 10:46
Trial version has the same functionality than fully functional, but just embed software watermark "Obfuscated by Evaluation version. Not for commercial use" into obfuscated assemblies.
Please send us your Spices.Project (.iloprj), we can analyze your project and give you recommendations how to configure obfuscation to effectively protect your asemblies.
Link Posted: 09-Mar-2008 22:38
Hi again
This is the project file content:

          InternalFields, InternalMethods, StringEncryption, StubUntouchedMethods, AnonymizePrivateMembers
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Thanks in advance
Link Posted: 10-Mar-2008 03:42
Seems to me you forgot to specify ObfuscationOptions.StringEncryptionMode for the THEMIS.exe.
Please open obfuscation options of THEMIS.exe and specify that property to encrypt string information (Encrypt щк EnchancedEncrypt modes are recommended).
Also - I've noticed that THEMIS.exe has no strongname (in other words, that assembly hasn't been signed). Please specify strong name key file in your VS project to make assembly strong named and specify this key file in the Spices.Porject's StrongNameKeyfile to resign assembly after obfuscation and provide to your assembly protection from tampering/spoofing (our patent pending TamperProof technoogy).